
Components of a Successful Whistleblower Case
Whistleblowers are crucial to maintaining a fair and open society. By exposing illegal and unethical conduct, whistleblowers...

Whistleblower Claims: Overcoming Common Legal Hurdles
Filing a whistleblower claim is a heroic act. You are protecting taxpayer dollars and promoting accountability in our nation...

What Is the False Claims Act (FCA) and How Does It Work?
Signed by Abraham Lincoln during the Civil War, and known as the Lincoln Law, the federal FCA allows anyone with...

Anti-Money Laundering Act Establishes Whistleblower Reward Program
Although it’s often used to evade taxes, redirect taxpayer money to bribe foreign officials, or get around economic sanctions...

COVID-19 and Healthcare Fraud: What to Watch Out For
COVID-19 is the worst pandemic to hit the world in over 100 years, according to Dr. Anthony Fauci. And while the arrival of a...

Largest Whistleblower Settlements in 2020
The Securities and Exchange Commission’s (SEC) Fiscal Year 2020 report notes that 2020 is a record year for the Whistleblower...